If you need a furnace installation for your Boulder City, NV home, chances are you need it quickly. As much as we’d all like to prepare and schedule a furnace replacement, we often find that they are thrown at us suddenly. Heating your home isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity that your health and your family and pets depend on. On top of that, your furnace going out in the middle of winter also puts your home’s plumbing at risk. Pipes can freeze and burst and cause all sorts of issues for your home. Having backup space heaters can help.

In addition, routine maintenance and prompt attention to repairs can help prevent an unwanted surprise. Finally, your furnace’s age is the most significant indicator of whether you should prepare for a new installation. In general, they can last anywhere from 15-20 years. If your furnace is older, you might want to start preparing to avoid the situation it could create.